
Downloads related to the second edition of the book.

File Description Size (MB)
(none yet) Corrections to errors in the text Figures from the book and demo examples, Matlab source code 2.5
FuzIntro.ppt Slides chapter 1: Introduction 7.0
FuzSets.pptx Slides chapter 2: Fuzzy Reasoning 1.0
FuzLogic.pptx Slides chapter 2: Fuzzy Reasoning 0.2
FuzControl.pptx Slides chapter 3: Fuzzy Control 0.6
FuzPID.pptx Slides chapter 4: Linear Fuzzy PID Control 0.3
FuzNonlin.pptx Slides chapter 5: Nonlinear Fuzzy PID Control 0.8
FuzSOC.pptx Slides chapter 6: The Self-Organizing Controller 0.5


Downloads related to the first edition of the book.
File Description Size (MB)
ffccorrections.pdf Corrections to errors in the text 0.03 Figures from the book, Matlab source code 0.04
FuzIntro.ppt Slides chapter 1: Introduction   6.7
FuzLogic.ppt Slides chapter 2: Fuzzy Reasoning 1.0
FuzControl.ppt Slides chapter 3: Fuzzy Control 0.9
FuzPID.ppt Slides chapter 4: Linear Fuzzy PID Control 0.5
FuzNonlin.ppt Slides chapter 5: Nonlinear Fuzzy PID Control 0.8
FuzSOC.ppt Slides chapter 6: The Self-Organizing Controller 0.2

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